
Itchy Skin Cause By Allergic Reaction

Itchy Skin Cause By Allergic Reaction Blog Featured ImageItchy Skin Cause By Allergic Reaction Blog

I am among the lucky ones who do not suffer any type of allergies, even food restrictions. When it comes to medications at times when I get sick, I don’t experience any allergic reactions as well. Our antibodies have the biggest part to be blamed for. They would sometimes identify substances in our system as harmful even though it’s not. That is when we call it an allergic reaction.

As I have mentioned, an allergic reaction can be anything from food, medication, and even to environments. Therefore, some establishments and as well as doctors will question us if, in any case, we are allergic to any food or medication to avoid complications. An allergic reaction will literally show on certain parts of your body such as nose, airways, skin, mouth or digestive system. Below are the various symptoms when an allergic reaction occurs:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny/Stuffy nose
  • Irritation on skin
  • Hives
  • Rash
  • Trouble breathing
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Short of breath or wheezing
  • Watery and bloodshot eyes
  • Swelling around the face
  • Rapid pulse
  • Dizziness

The level of symptoms varies on the allergic reaction that occurred.


Solutions and Treatments

Some common treatments of skin allergic reactions are antihistamine, ice, and decongestants. These are the first aids that you can easily do. But knowing and promoting the products of BE International, I found out that one of their products is effective in boosting our immune system. Not only that, but it also fights allergies.

IP-PA1 which stands for Immunopotentiator from Pantoea Agglomerans 1, is the main ingredient of Shiruto supplement. Through a proprietary fermentation process, wheat is extracted that is an important vitamin for our immune cells. The fermented wheat extract, IP-PA1, helps prevent and improve:

  • Infection
  • Allergy
  • Dermatitis
  • Hyperlipidaemia
  • Gastric Ulcer
  • Osteoporosis

With this formulation, allergic reactions are reduced fast. It is proven effective in protecting our bodies. Shiruto, having IP-PA1, shows that it is of a high-quality product. IP-PA1 is the only and the first ingredient recognized by the Control of Innate Immunity Technology Research Association (CIITRA). This association is established to study and promote the wonders of our natural immune system through science and technology. What is great about Shiruto is that it can be taken by both kids and adults.


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The maximum dosage for adults is four (4) sachets in a day while kids get to have one (1) sachet per day. Please take note that results may vary since each and one of us have our own lifestyle and body. You may seek medical help if you need to. The contribution of science and technology has a great impact in making our lives comfortable. BE International produce competitive products that are clinically proven to enhance our immune system.

Whenever you look for products that you can easily get from your medicine box, ensure always going for the quality. Try to do some research or better yet, get referrals from someone in the medical field. This way, they can explain the ingredients and the importance of it to our bodies. We get to understand how it can help us in our daily living, and also we get to learn how to properly avoid allergic reactions.

Jene See
the authorJene See
A Home-based Entrepreneur and Blogger For me, being a home-based entrepreneur, parent and blogger has been quite an experience. Here’s how I got started on it all. Where I’ve been Becoming a blogger and a hardcore, home-based entrepreneur wasn’t exactly a planned career action for me. I can almost say I didn’t see it coming. It all started when I got pregnant with my first child. Back then, I was still working as a flight attendant, and I have to admit that I really loved my job. But when that baby came on board, I decided that I wanted to be as involved in my child’s life as I could possibly be. Once I’d made my decision, I swung into action. I quit my job and quickly made plans for a new (and different) life with the baby in mind. My foray into the glamorous world of entrepreneurship and blogging was a little more abrupt. This started a lot more recently.   I first came into contact with these products sometime around two years ago. In 2018, my aunt-in-law would be the first person to preach to me the wonders of Aulora Kodenshi. I confess that I was very skeptical back then. As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t see myself as an entrepreneur (or even a blogger for that matter). I felt I was comfortable in my role as a housewife and that picking up endeavors like that was for people who had more money to “waste.” I decided to continue to keep my focus as a good mother and an ideal housewife. The plan was, if I kept feeding my family good food and making sure that they all exercised regularly, there wouldn’t ever be a need to buy any of the products my husband’s aunt talked to me about. As it turned out, I’d not end up buying the products; I’d also become one of its most vocal advocates. How I Got Here Our second child got a case of eczema when she was about 18 months old. Ever since that time, every so often, she’d have a rather severe outbreak. The doctors would always tell us it was nothing serious, nothing to bother about, and we believed them for the most part. A reason for this was that almost like clock-work, she’d always get better after every 3-6 months. All of this changed though in February 2019. She had an outbreak, and we thought it was normal until she scratched so hard she drew blood. We tried everything to no avail. Frustrated, I decided to try SHIRUTO, one of the many products from BE International. In no time at all, the eczema and even the scars cleared up. I was so excited, I took to my social media page to share my joy, and that’s how I got into blogging and entrepreneurship. Plans for the Future I’m happy with where I am right now. I have a healthy family with a career I want to see grow. I don’t conform to the classic stay-at-mom routine of waking early in the morning. I do my best work at night when everyone’s happy and rested. The goal is to continue to remain healthy and inspire everyone around me to be free and keep those positive vibes flowing strong!


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