The Covid-19 pandemic was a very trying and stressful period for most. The enforced lockdowns, isolations, movement and social restrictions, and other measures taken to halt the pandemic spread while effective also took their toll on us all. However, things appear to be getting better. In the darkest periods of the pandemic, one of the most-touted solutions was developing a vaccine. At that time, no one was sure when exactly vaccines would be developed or become widely available, but hopes were high that vaccine development would be a significant turning point in the battle against Covid-19. Fast forward a couple of months later, and the vaccines are here! Different brands in different countries have developed different vaccines, and even better, vaccination drives have already begun in many countries. In some countries like the US, UK, and Israel, significant steps have been made in the vaccination of significant levels of the population. Other countries are expected to follow suit.
However, the vaccine rollout has not been without a couple of controversies on the side. There have been conflicting expectations regarding the vaccine and what you can do after getting vaccinated. Sometimes, you might even question its safety or suitability for your body. Below we will share what you can expect after getting vaccinated, starting with what the vaccine is supposed to do for you in the first place. The different Covid vaccines are all designed to help your body produce antibodies against the virus. When your body’s immune system has produced antibodies, you stand a better chance of not getting infected or recovering quickly and not falling seriously sick if you do. Your body can also develop antibodies after having a Covid-19 infection but having Covid can be a very traumatic experience, not to mention the possible risk of mortality. The Covid vaccines help you build immunity without catching the disease. Now that’s cleared up; what happens immediately you get vaccinated?
Are There Any Side Effects?
Yeah, this is the big question everyone wants to know the answer to. All drugs carry potential side effects, and the vaccine is no different. When they do occur, the good thing is that these side effects are very mild, and serious side effects only occur in very few people. Common side effects you may experience include feeling tired, headache, a painful, heavy feeling in the arm where you got the shot(this tends to be worse 1-2 days after the vaccine), as well as mild flu-like symptoms. Happily, these clear up in a short while, and you go back to normal again with enhanced protection. If you worried about the side effects will burden you financially you can consider Fincrew covid vaccine insurance program, help you face the uncertainties of the pandemic with coverage for plan that covers you against accidental death and permanent disablement.
How Long Will It Take To Build Antibodies After Getting Vaccinated?
It is important to note that you don’t get immunity immediately after getting vaccinated. It will take a while, typically 2-4 weeks or a bit more after your first shot, to build up some immunity. You may get infected if exposed while your body is still building some immunity.
Will the vaccine give you Covid-19? No, the vaccine will not give you Covid. Also, it does not affect your DNA. When will you be able to return to your normal life?
As more people are vaccinated, it is expected that restrictions will continue to be lifted. However, what you can do after building immunity is dependent on the current regulations regarding that in the place where you live. You can check up the current information on that for your area.