Forehead acne is the most annoying because it is the most visible area of your face. Preventing acne breakout is easy if you know its causes. This article will tackle the causes of forehead acne and its treatment. Acne can develop in a part of your face and body. It usually occurs when the tiny glands below the skin surface are blocked. Acne breakouts are often caused by hormonal changes, stress, and poor hygiene. Its appearance does not only make you look unattractive, untidy, but also it will cause you discomfort. If not treated, acne will lead to a cyst. And just like acne that develops in other parts of your body like shoulder, back, and further details, forehead acne has the same causing factors. Below are certain factors that can lead to forehead acne breakout.
- Hormonal imbalance – when androgen increases sebum production due to the absence of estrogen, it causes pore-clogging, which will later lead to the development of acne. Hormonal change in puberty is one of the causes of acne flares.
- Stress – Though there were no scientific explanations that it causes acne flares, it has been included as one of the factors of acne flares. Situations like when you are stressed, you cannot sleep due to overthinking. It has been experienced by many, and they claimed that it caused them acne breakout.
- Certain drugs or medication – some people react to certain medicines. Medicines like steroids, anticonvulsants, and lithium can cause acne in some people.
- Poor hygiene – if you don’t wash your hair and face regularly, the oil deposits and dust can cause blockage in your forehead, leading to acne. And also, if you are using hair products such as oils or gels, these will cause acne breakout if not properly washed off.
- Skin irritation – wearing hats, makeup, and frequently touching your forehead with dirty hands can irritate your skin, leading to acne breakout.
What Can You Do To Treat Forehead Acne?
For mild forehead acne, simple home remedies will work. Frequent washing your face before sleeping to remove dirt and makeup is enough. If it does not work for you, try applying lemon or lime juice to dry up the acne. If these home remedies still won’t work on your acne, then it is time that you need to ask for advice from your dermatologist. There are counter medicines that will treat your acne. These acne treatments can be in the form of gel, cream, soap, or liquid astringent. The efficacy of these treatments varies for each individual. Some treatments will work on others but not for you. So it is best to consult your dermatologist for the proper treatment. Because if you keep on changing products to try which one will work on your acne, it might cause you a bigger problem. It can damage your skin even more.
Final Words
Our forehead is the most exposed part of our face. It is exposed to dust and heat. To prevent an acne breakout:
- Avoid the factors that can trigger its development.
- Always practice proper hygiene, like washing your face daily and your hair.
- Do not touch your face or forehead with a dirty hand.
Your diet is also linked to acne breakouts. So it is helpful if you avoid foods that can worsen your existing acne.