Honey is known for its uses and health benefits, but each honey with a different origin has certain uniqueness from the other. It is maybe because of the country and its types of plants. In this article, we will be comparing buckwheat honey to manuka honey, so read on. In the previous months, we have learned a lot about the science-backed benefits of manuka honey. This time around, we will meet a new type of honey from buckwheat flowers in Canada. How does it differ from Manuka honey, and what are its benefits?
As we have already heard that honey is helpful in weight loss, we have also learned that it is an effective antibacterial. Therefore, it can heal sore throats and even coughs. But the best ability of honey is its power to speed up healing wounds when applied directly to an open wound.
Manuka Honey Versus Buckwheat Honey
Both Manuka honey and buckwheat honey can speed up wound healing because both contain antibacterial and anti-inflammation properties. However, these two kinds have differences. The first apparent difference is, of course, its place of origin and the plant that it was sourced. Manuka honey came from Manuka flowers in New Zealand, while Buckwheat honey came from the flowers of Buckwheats in Ontario and Quebec, Canada.
Buckwheat Honey
Buckwheats plants help improve soil fertility and stop weeds. It is planted by farmers as a cover crop and to prepare the soil for the next crop. Apart from these purposes, buckwheats can be harvested and grounded as buckwheat flour. Before the buckwheats produce seeds, it first has delicate white flowers. These white flowers are the source of buckwheat honey. Honey from buckwheat flowers has a dark color, just like Manuka honey. It is because of the large number of polyols in buckwheat honey. Polyols are potent antioxidants that can also be found in tea, dark chocolates, and red wine. Buckwheat honey also has a rich and malty flavor from wheat. You can also taste a hint of blackberries and chocolates in this honey.
Manuka Honey
Bees sucking the sweetness from manuka flowers in the wilderness of New Zealand produce manuka, honey. Manuka honey’s consistency and color do not differ from buckwheat honey. Both kinds have a dark color. If buckwheat honey has a malty flavor, manuka honey, on the other hand, has a bold and woody taste. Both buckwheat honey and manuka honey are best known for their medicinal benefits in healing power. The perks of manuka honey are that its therapeutic benefits have been widely studied since 1981. It is also scientifically proven that honey from manuka flowers has antibacterial properties, efficient in fighting infections. On the other hand, Buckwheat honey boasts its antioxidant properties, which have a higher activity than manuka honey. So when your purpose is to lose weight, then buckwheat honey is more helpful.
Another apparent difference between the two honey is its price. Buckwheat honey is more affordable than manuka honey. Apart from that, both honey manuka and buckwheat honey are delicious and contain medicinal benefits. The buckwheat is high in antioxidants, and the latter is high in antibacterial properties.