When wrinkles start to appear, and the skin in your tummy and thighs starts to sag, your confidence also starts to dissipate. You begin to feel unattractive, and this feeling of insecurity in women is natural. Some women are doing their best to somehow look attractive to their partners and other people regardless of their age. Some undergo surgery. Some merely rely on clothes and makeup. But really, is there any other way to treat sagging skin? Many can’t afford surgeries and though clothes and makeup can help you look good sometimes, looking younger than your age and looking vibrant naturally is still a dream for every woman.
Facts About Loose Skin
The skin is the largest organ in our body, and it is our first line of defense against external damage. It acts as protection and our shield against harmful elements, UV rays, and irritants. And because of that, it is the first organ that will show signs of wear and tear as we age. These signs are the appearance of fine lines and the loss of elasticity, resulting in sagging of skin. Aside from aging, other causes of loose skin are weight loss and too much sun exposure. All these factors make you look older. But the good news is, there is a solution to these problems. I don’t want to get your hopes high, but loose skin can be managed.
Is There Something We Can Do To Tighten Loose Skin?
Collagen is a type of protein that is responsible for holding cells together. It is the reason why babies have firm and luminous skin. When we are younger, collagen is abundant in our body. And it plays a significant role in the elasticity and integrity of our skin. We lose firmness as we reach the age of 30. To maintain healthy skin, your body needs more collagen. But as the person’s age increases, the production of collagen in the body also decreases. To help patch up the loss of collagen, eating collagen-rich foods and taking collagen supplements is advised.
Does Collagen Tighten Loose Skin?
The answer to this question is Yes. But it does not work efficiently if you just rely on certain topical products that promise to tighten your skin. The best way is to target the root cause of the problem. Starts from within. The cause of loose skin and sagging is the weakening of the production of collagen. Boost collagen production by taking collagen-rich foods and supplements. It helps stimulate collagen production from within. Another way to help reduce loose skin is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Avoid sugary foods and never smoke because it affects collagen synthesis. Also, avoid frequent exposure to UV rays.
Aging is a natural process, and we can never stop it. However, we play an essential role in taking care of our health. How we take care of our inner health will reflect in our outer appearance. What we eat and our lifestyle can greatly affect our overall health. If we are healthy from within, it will be visible in our skin.